Sunday, April 1, 2012

GOD'S SAKE - READ - SHARE: Global Warming Denialism 'Just Foolishness,' Scientist Peter Raven Says ABC News

Global Warming Denialism 'Just Foolishness,' Scientist Peter Raven Says

ABC News (blog) - 
US prestige falling as world has 'pretty well given up' on any American leadership facing climate change. One of the world's most widely known and respected senior scientists tells ABC News that current denial about the basic daunting realities of ...

READ ENTIRE ARTICLE.  This was my comment/post on the Wash Po
MUST READ - for all non-cultists, that is: Today - Global Warming Denialism ‘Just Foolishness,’ Scientist Peter Raven Says . One of the world’s most widely known and respected senior scientists tells ABC News that current denial about the basic daunting realities of manmade global warming is “just foolishness.”... “It’s not a matter of conjecture anymore,” he said. “Climate change is the most serious challenge probably that the human race has ever confronted.” ... "virtually unanimous understanding of the world’s climate scientists and other responsible experts about the great upheavals manmade global warming is now producing." ... "National Academy of Science, July 6, 2010... 97-98 percent of the climate researchers most actively publishing in the field … supported the basic tenets of ACC (manmade global warming)..." ... "minute number of detractors had significantly less standing in the field of climate science among their scientist peers..." ... MUST READ, or all non-cultists, that is.